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Spread the Love Contest by Wealthy Miser

Wealthy Miser - by definition, wealthy would of course mean rich and a miser is  a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money. I guess when you are a miser you become rich. Reminds me of the Uncle of Donald Duck or Ebenezer Scrooge.
Spread the Love is a contest hosted by Wealthy Miser. The blog aims to help you to generate residual income. The blogger is not a blogging mogul...yet. Perhaps in time though. The blog is peppered with SEO tips, contests, Site optimizations, recommendations, wordpress plugins that may help your blog to be truly search engine optimized. The blog aims to help you achieve success online. That in itself makes it a very interesting blog to me. How many blogs out there are determined to make you earn not through get-rich quick schemes but solid advice based on the experience of the blogger? Wealthy Miser is definitely above the fold among the rest of the other bloggers. Become a Webpreneur, and he even shares resources. What else are you looking for in a blog? The blog also has a monthly contest which I am so much addicted to. So with categories that range from Make Money Online, Cool Startups and Meet People or even becoming a Webprenuer, I don't think I have to say a lot more for you to go and grab his 2 cents and become a subscriber or a constant visitor to his blog. I for one, am enjoying reading his post on TOP 10 Website to download free logos, since I am always in search of new and free things plus I am also very much interested in blog tweaking and designing. What are you waiting for? Go on! Spread the love!
Prizes at stake: 
$100 - via paypal
Auslogics Boostspeed = a highly recommended software! pegged at $29.95.
What are you waiting for?

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